“The design challenge was carried on in 3 parts - immersions, in this phase the entrepreneurs grouped in circles of 4 with a translator visited different stakeholders in the coconut business - right from pluckers who are at bottom of the pyramid, all the way to the big vendors doing sales of 1lakh+ coconuts in a season,” said Jay, the founder of TheExCo.
“The second phase was about brainstorming and collectively drawing insights from their experience researching with the coconut pluckers. The bank of insights was then grouped into defining the big challenges of the coconut pluckers and the third phase of the design challenge is prototyping ideas the group came up with,” added Jay.
“The first two phases were completely undertaken during this week while the prototyping session would need more resources and time, for which we plan to put our research and challenges online as a document that can be downloaded and viewed by anyone who is either working towards solving this challenge or who are enthusiastic towards diving deeper,” said Charan.
When asked if they would approach the government for funding, the organisers said that in case the government shows interest, they are more than happy to work with them and find ways to enable the coconut pluckers community.